The Motivation Assessment Scale
About the Motivation Assessment Scale
The Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) is designed to help with a language impaired person’s problem behaviors. An understanding of a person’s motivations becomes a guide for interventions, such as restructuring the environment or teaching that person skills for fulfilling personal needs in a more effective and productive way. The emphasis is on understanding, respect, and helping a person successfully negotiate their environment.
Benefits of using the MAS:
Allows you to respond effectively to behavior
Quickly assesses motivation, i.e., the function of a problem behavior
Improves positive behavioral interventions
The MAS is research-based, tested, and validated
Can easily be administered in educational and institutional settings
Has been used by psychologists and teachers since 1988
Why Motivation Assessment Scale Software?
For best results, the authors recommend administering several scales (to multiple raters and/or in multiple settings) to evaluate a single problem behavior. Software versions of the MAS provide quick professional assistance in combining and analyzing scale results, assistance in creating reports, a convenient way to store data, and other features.
Copyright notice
The Motivation Assessment Scale and The Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) Administration Guide copyright © 1992 by Monaco & Associates Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of these works in any form, including digital and electronic transmission, is a violation of United States copyright law and international agreements and is prohibited. If you wish to excerpt any portion of the material for your publication, contact us here.
From the MAS Administration Guide: Why do we need the MAS?
Frequently Asked Questions
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